
Time Lapse Image Acquisition System

Real Time Embedded System capable of capturing and processing images at 10 Hz from a USB based camera on a Linux Embedded System (Nvidia Jetson Nano).

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Gesture Recognition for Interactive Video

Real Time Embedded System implementing a Machine Learning Framwork (Mediapipe) for interactive video overlay

Implemented Features to Zoom In / Zoom Out, Save Picture, Close on a live video

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Fitness Tracker

Designed a Client-Server Model with Bluetooth LE (Smart) as the communication protocol
Interfaced sensors such as Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Air Quality Index for Fitness Tracking

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Remote Communication with 8051

Designed a system to transfer binary files remotely for flashing 8051 using ESP32 WiFi Module
Implemented UART Protocol to access the bootloader of 8051

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FreeRTOS on KL25Z and on Tiva C Launchpad

Implementation of Scheduler, Tasks, Priority Mechanisms, Scheduler and Interrupts for interfacing LEDs

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Secure Communication on FRDM-KL25Z

Established Secure Communication between 2 SPIs Ports using AES Encryption

Developed SPI Driver to send and receive encrypted data

Developed SPI Driver and Buffers to avoid loss of data

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Command Processor

Implemented a Command Processor similar to a Unix Terminal to respond to valid user commands

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Google Test Suite Using CMake and VS Code

Contains a project which uses the Google Test for Unit Testing Framework.

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